The tufa barriers

Krka and its distinctive feature – the tufa barriers

Krka is the only major river in Slovenia that deposits tufa or light stone or “lahkovec” as the locals call it. The most beautiful and numerous ones are in the area between Dvor and Gornji Kot and between Zagradec and Žužemberk. Tufa, which consists of calcium carbonate, is very porous because it is deposited on mosses and other aquatic vegetation, and is light and fairly soft.

Many mills and saws were once operational by tufa barriers, which are now all, except for the “Zajčev mlin” mill in the settlement Prapreče, abandoned. As many as 40 mills were operating along the Krka river at the beginning of the 20th century. Production capacity was measured by the number of millstones, mostly mills with three or four pairs of stones were in operation. Up to 24 saws were also operational.
Upstream, the Krka is a typical canyon river and offers many adrenaline-pumping pleasures for kayakers and rafting enthusiasts. It is only in the middle and lower stream that the character of the river calms down and is more suitable for vessels such as canoes and sups.

On the Krka river there are at least 90 tufa barriers, the highest and most picturesque are under the castle in Žužemberk, in the village of Prapreče and in Dvor.

In the past, the tufa barriers were sawn by the mills and sawmills so that the water of the wooden drive wheels always ran at the same height. Today, no one does this any more, so the tufa barriers every year rise by a few centimetres in some places.




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The website is co-financed from EU funds within the project Explore, taste and experience Suho Krajina through an interactive, connected and personal experience of natural and cultural heritage (SKIN).

The management authority tasked for implementation of the Rural Development programme of the Republic of Slovenia 2014-2020 is Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.


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